Fedorov Iu.I., Glushchenko N.N., Dupin A.M., Ol'khovskaia I.P., Fatkullina L.D.
[Effect of highly dispersed iron powder on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy]
Izv Akad Nauk SSSR Biol. 1982 Nov-Dec;(6):948-51.

The inhibition of regeneration processes in iron deficiency conditions is well known. Iron in the highly dispersed powder form was found to be significantly less toxic than iron sulphate, LD50 of the powder being 60 times smaller than iron sulphate one. The determination of the biological activity of the powder revealed that it shows various influence on the liver weight restoration after partial hepatoectomia, depending on the dose and the mode of administration. Single subcutaneous injection of iron powder in a dose 10 mg/kg led to an increase in animal survival.


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